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shop item_add

Command Title

/shop item_add


This command allows you to add new items to the Discord server's shop, enabling users to purchase them using their earned points. By creating a diverse range of items with varying prices and requirements, you can enhance the server's economy and encourage user engagement.


<name> <price> <inventory> <total_limit> [limit] [description] [role] [chain] [role_reward] [embed_color] [item_image] [enable_notes] [note_label]


Required Parameters:

  • <name>: The name of the item, up to 60 characters.
  • <price>: The price of the item in points, greater than 0.
  • <inventory>: The initial stock of the item (-1 for no limit).
  • <total_limit>: The maximum total number of items a user can purchase over their lifetime (-1 for no limit).

Optional Parameters:

  • [description]: A detailed description of the item, up to 600 characters.
  • [limit]: The maximum number of items a user can purchase at once, a positive integer. Defaults to 1.
  • [role]: The role required to purchase the item. Select None for no role requirement.
  • [chain]: The blockchain on which the item will be distributed to users. Users must have a linked wallet on the selected blockchain. Options include None, BTC, EVM (ETH/BSC/Polygon, etc.), and SOL.
  • [role_reward]: The role granted to the user upon purchasing the item. Select None for no role reward.
  • [item_image]: Upload an image to represent the item. The image will be displayed at the top right of the embed when the item is listed in the shop.
  • [embed_color]: Set the color of the embed in hexadecimal format, such as FFCC00.
  • [enable_notes]: Enable order notes for this item.
  • [note_label]: Custom label for the order note field (max 45 chars).


  • Example 1: Add a basic item called "30-day Engagerly Premium" with a price of 100 points, a stock of 50, a total purchase limit of 20 :

    /shop item_add name:30-day Engagerly Premium price:100 inventory:50 total_limit:20
  • Example 2: Add an item called "1-year Engagerly Premium" with a price of 1000 points, a stock of 50, a description, and a purchase limit of 2, a total purchase limit of 20 :

    /shop item_add name:1-year Engagerly Premium price:1000 inventory:50 description:Unlock exclusive perks and benefits!  limit:2 total_limit:20
  • Example 3: Add an item called "Engagerly NFT" with a price of 2000 points, a stock of 50, a total purchase limit of 20, requires the @VIP role, distributes rewards on the BTC blockchain, and grants the @EngagerlyHolder role upon purchase:

    /shop item_add name:Engagerly NFT price:2000 inventory:50 total_limit:20 role:@VIP chain:BTC role_reward:@EngagerlyHolder


  • Item names cannot exceed 60 characters.
  • Item prices must be greater than 0.
  • Item descriptions are optional but can provide valuable information to potential buyers.
  • Inventory can be set to -1 for unlimited stock or a specific positive integer for limited stock.
  • Purchase limits prevent users from buying excessive amounts of an item at once.
  • Role requirements control who can purchase the item.
  • Chain selection specifies the blockchain for item distribution and requires users to have a linked wallet.
  • Role rewards grant additional benefits to users who purchase the item.
  • Item images enhance the visual appeal of the shop and provide a quick representation of the item.


  • Q: Can I add multiple items at once?

    A: No, the /shop item_add command only allows adding one item at a time.

  • Q: How do I remove an item from the shop?

    A: To remove an item, use the /shop item_remove command.

  • Q: Can I modify the details of an existing item?

    A: Yes, you can use the /shop item_edit command to modify the details of an existing item.

  • Q: Are there any restrictions on the images I can upload for items?

    A: The image should be in a commonly supported format (e.g., PNG, JPG, GIF) and have appropriate dimensions for display in the shop embed. Avoid using images that are offensive, inappropriate, or violate any copyright laws.